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Hard Rocked Series

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Book One

Music is what feelings sound like.

Olivia Dane, a hard-working lawyer, has just been dumped by her fiancée. To make matters worse, he did it via text message. Deciding to drown her sorrows at a local pub, Olivia is intent on forgetting about men altogether. Instead, she's going to focus on her career, and if she plays her cards right, she might just make partner at her firm.

It isn't long before her plans are completely derailed by an irresistibly sexy stranger who guides her to a dark corner of the bar. This gorgeous alpha male isn't your ordinary man. It's Logan Graham, lead guitarist of the insanely popular Scottish rock band. A man used to getting anything he wants, whenever he wants it.

What starts out as a wildly passionate one-night-stand quickly turns into a far more complicated relationship when the curvy lawyer discovers that the bad-boy rocker is her newest client. To make matters worse if she doesn't win the case he'll lose everything he's worked so hard for.

And there's even more trouble on the horizon when Olivia boss discovers her new relationship and threatens to destroy her career if she doesn't give him the one thing he's always wanted - her.

Warning: This is a steamy romance story that includes adult content suitable for readers 18+

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Book Two

A song makes you feel a thought.

"I thought I'd lost you forever..."

Olivia Michaels has managed to get her man back, but she and international rock star Logan Graham haven't quite reached happily ever after just yet.

Logan's former manager is still suing him; Olivia's boss, his harassment finally exposed, may be more determined to ruin her than ever; and, to make things worse, Logan's ex-fiancée has shown up in the tabloids—on his lawsuit-happy manager's arm. Not to mention the strange way Olivia's new paralegal is behaving.

Just about the only thing that gets Olivia through is her relationship with Logan. A relationship that violates the ethics of the legal profession, and could ruin her career if it's discovered.

Will she and Logan make it through the trouble life keeps throwing their way? Can Olivia keep both her career and her love life together? Or will it all come crashing down under the pressure?

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Book Three

"I thought I'd lost you forever…"

Olivia Dane has it all: the gorgeous rock star boyfriend, the glamorous career—even if it's not the one she'd planned on—and the promise of a home in the green hills of Scotland. Her blackmailing former boss is as good as on his way to jail. She even has a whole new group of friends.

Life should be perfect.

But Olivia's perfect life is falling apart. Ryan Marshall is looking for ways to escape prosecution. Tensions between Logan and his band threaten to split them apart again. And in the middle of it all, Olivia's ex-fiancé shows up looking for her.

Will she finally get the happily ever after she's been looking for, or will the discordant notes ruin the song before it truly begins?

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